Saturday, January 4, 2014

Easy Fruit/Vegetable Soak for Better Health

Soaking your produce.  This is something so easy ANYONE can do it.  Why would anyone soak their produce?  To help remove the chemicals used in growing and processing it.  Certain fruits and vegetables can literally have dozens of different pesticide residues on them.  These pesticides add to other toxins our bodies are exposed to, increasing our toxicity and causing illness and disease.

This is a habit I have been working to establish in the past year.  It is almost an automatic habit, but not quite.  It only takes a few minutes, and I really believe the results can benefit our health with long-term use, especially with non-organic produce, but even organic can be minimally sprayed with pesticides.

With that being said, here's how to do it:

Fruit and Vegetable Soak

Add 1 cup or so of white vinegar to a pot, large bowl or your sink and fill with warm water.  Add your produce and let soak for at least 15 minutes.  I sometimes leave mine in for a half-hour;  I figure the longer, the better.  Rinse well.  You can either drain the produce dry or dry with a clean kitchen towel like I do.

 I feel like my produce is even cleaner for doing this added step.  Obviously, you wouldn't dry your greens (lettuce, spinach, kale) with a towel.  I use my salad spinner for those.  Get a salad spinner HERE (affiliate link).

I also made a list of what produce to store in the fridge and what produce to store at room temperature.  I will include that in a later post.  Storing it properly helps it to stay at its peak longer, ensuring less waste.

This is such an easy thing to do to improve our health and reduce the amount of toxins entering our bodies.

To learn about the toxins allowed in our food and household products, here is a book we own that really helped enlighten us.  It has an index in the back of the mentioned chemicals, and what the possible dangers are in using them.  The book covers food, drinks, shampoos and other personal care products, makeup, cleaners and more.  It also teaches you healthier alternatives.

Debbie:  Home at Serenity Springs

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