Saturday, January 23, 2016

Saturday on the Homestead, January 23, 2016

It has been quite a long while since I have written, due in part to trouble with my laptop.  I have a lot to say, so I am glad to be writing again.

Our family has had a heck of a year.  Some things I don't want to share at this time, but one thing I don't mind sharing is the sickness and death of my mother.  Losing her changed the dynamics of our whole family, and it has been a big adjustment.  Her death precipitated the change of my dad moving into an assisted living home, so at times it has felt like our family was adrift at sea with no land in sight.

All of these things, mentioned and unmentioned, have ultimately served to draw us closer to God and to each other.  It was either that or let it all fall apart, which has never been an option for me. 

We have some big changes on the horizon within the next eighteen months, which I will elaborate on more when I know more, but suffice it to say that God continues to work on my dislike of change.

I just wanted to give a quick update on what is going on with us.  Like most of you, we are riding out the latest snowstorm and hoping things thaw out soon because we have a lot to do.  

Our laying hens are all on strike, as we haven't seen an egg in almost 2 months.  We have over 15 hens of varying ages, so it is quite baffling.  We may be filling our freezer with chicken soon.

We have 2 lemon trees residing in our living room loaded with slowly ripening lemons.  I can't wait to try them.

I guess that's it for today.  I appreciate everyone who keeps up with my family.

Debbie, enjoying staying Home at Serenity Springs