Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Jesus would Say to Me

I was waiting at an appointment with my daughter today, and began thinking about what I could write for my next blog entry.  I decided I would pretend that Jesus came to my house, in person, and examined my life and my heart in their current states.  And then I thought about what He might tell me, teach me, or admonish me about.  The following is what I came up with:

He would remind me that as His child, my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and encourage me to eat even more healthy than I am - to cut back on caffeine, eat even more whole grains, and eat more raw foods.  He would say I am still abusing my body too much.

I think He would be proud that I haven't taken any medicine since May (my liver thanks me as well).  I have learned that even though I have aches and pains, I don't have to pop a pill.  And yes, if I was dying, I would definitely take life-saving medicine!  But menstrual cramps, headaches, leg aches, etc., I can tolerate.  And I will not ever take an antibiotic except as a last resort.

Jesus would tell me that sometimes I am still entirely too selfish, and to remember to always put others first, even when I "don't feel like it".  I suspect this will be the thing He has to keep reminding me, hopefully less as time goes on.  I don't know about you, but it just doesn't come naturally some of the time.  I can easily be polite and prefer others by holding the door open and letting them go first, or letting a car get in front of me that is trying to pull out.  But things that hurt more, or inconvenience me more, are harder to do - though not impossible.

I think He might compliment me just a little on beginning to grasp that the church doesn't exist inside four walls, that pure religion is widows and orphans (James 1:27), not a sermon and a song and send me on my way, although I do love my hymns and worship music.  That every person doesn't have to "do church" the same way, even if on a day other than Sunday, as long as we aren't forsaking fellowship.

He would tell me to take EVERY thought captive, which is truly an exhausting job some days.  And that just because I was raised a trucker's daughter doesn't justify the words that cross my mind sometimes.

He would remind me that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, and that my early morning rants at myself before I rise are neither Godly nor accurate.

He would tell me that my lifelong insecurity is totally inappropriate for a daughter of His.  That He loves me and my identity is found in Him and Him alone.  And that although my past affects who I am, it is NOT the deciding factor of my present or future.  That by His power, I overcome all things.

I think He would be fairly pleased with my love and devotion for my family, but even then, would probably have some words of advice for me.  Because no matter how well we do something, it's never quite exactly how He would do it.

I think He would be glad that I know what I believe, but would want me to soften my defense of it at times (even more than I already have over the years).  Although, to be sure, He wasn't very soft with hypocrites.  Only with those who had a heart for Him.

He would probably tell me to read my Bible more, and my Christian fiction less.

And although I have made great strides in prioritizing my life, He would tell me that sometimes I still make too big a deal out of small things, "Debbie, that does not warrant such turbulent emotions," He would say. (or maybe, "Get over it, would ya?")

He would tell me that considering what a stubborn, independent woman I used to be, I have become a fairly submissive wife, but that some days He thinks I have forgotten everything I learned.

He would tell me that my children were given to me to guide, train, and love, and not to fall apart when they prove they are, indeed, human.  To guide them through the mistake (sin) and pray they get it right the next time.  (and that really, dirty handprints all over my walls are NOT the end of the world).

He would tell me He's glad I usually do the speed limit because we can't afford speeding tickets. :)

And the Father would look down and say, "Debbie, I am glad I sent my Son to cover your sins, because if it were up to you to make it, I wouldn't be seeing you someday."

So, now that I've critically analyzed my life, I plan to commit these things to some serious prayer, and continue on the journey to being more like Him. :)

 Because I do want to be like Him.  I love Him so much.

I hope my confessions have helped in some small way. 

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