Monday, October 11, 2010

Part 2: From the book "Is God on America's Side"

This blog of mine is to share my heart on issues - whether they be spiritual issues or health/natural living issues.  This particular entry is to continue my notes from my journal on the book "Is God on America's Side" by Erwin Lutzer.  

This was not a long book, but I did enjoy reading it for the most part.  It made me think about the way I think about what our duties as Christians are.  The basic premise of the following excerpts is that as believers we should focus on sharing the gospel, which actually saves a person for Eternity, and by this salvation to change the person's heart by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which then changes their lives and the way they live them, as opposed to focusing too much energy and time trying to change legislation and "reclaim America", which may change policy to make it more user friendly for the believer, but doesn't and never will change morality of the people.

So, the rest of this blog will be my notes from the book.

Even among the churches who believe the gospel message, there are many who choose to focus on some of the more positive aspects of scripture without declaring the whole counsel of God (note from me: which isn't always positive!)

Let us humbly admit that we have slid too far to think that we can reverse the course of this nation simply by having "the right people" in Washington.  The unseen battle is more fierce than the one we see in our newspapers and on TV.

Our task is not to save America but to save Americans (I love this) by living the gospel.  There are some things only God's word faithfully lived and believed can do.  We do not take the cross that should humble us and turn it into a club that would make the world shape up.

We (should) disagree humbly.  We don't (shouldn't) complain when the media is unfair, just as Christ didn't complain when the soldiers were unfair.  We don't (shouldn't) castigate others as if our cause is dependent on endorsement or fair reporting.  We should not be alarmed if unbelievers act like unbelievers; we should be alarmed, however, when believers act like unbelievers.

We do what is right and take the consequences.  It is not necessary for us to win in this world in order to win in the next.

God's success does not depend on the favor of the city of man.

Amen.   You can get the book here.

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