Saturday, June 14, 2014

Saturday on the Homestead: June 14, 2014

It's been awhile since I've felt like blogging.  This spider bite wound has thrown me for a loop and gotten me out of my groove, so to speak.  It has been 38! days since I was bitten by a brown recluse.  I have an updated photo of the current progress, but I am going to hold off on discussing what we are doing for treatment because I am going to write a blog after it heals completely to hopefully help others who search for information on natural healing when they get bitten.

The wound is on the edge of my back, near my ribcage, and it makes excessive movement awkward and painful, so I have had to cut back on how long I work in the garden or elsewhere at one time.  I can honestly say I have never had a wound quite so open and quite so deep before, and I hope to never have one again!

I have really appreciated the time that Jessie, Amber, and Jeff have given me in taking care of my wound for me.  I can barely reach it, so if I were left to care for it on my own, it would definitely look a lot worse than it does.  Honestly, after 38 days, it can be a little discouraging and wearying at times.  There is not constant pain, but there is constant discomfort and occasional pain that can get tiring.

But on to more pleasant subjects!  Our garden is doing well.   Because some of my planting was delayed, we aren't getting any squash or cucumbers yet as some are, but we have harvested lots of salad greens including kale, swiss chard, endive, spinach, and lettuces.  We have chives and parsley, and we have just harvested our garlic that we planted last fall.  It has to cure for a few weeks, then we can store some of it in the root cellar.  My kind brother-in-law, Alan, who lives on the property with us, has shared several of his squash and cucumbers with us already.

Our baby ducklings arrived at the end of May, along with Amber's two goslings, Precious Jewel and Hester Louise.  Hester Louise is the boy, a fact I find highly amusing.  The goslings have grown much quicker than the ducklings, towering over them as they spend the day together, but they are quite gentle. 

We are having my grandson's 4th birthday party here next weekend.  I am always glad for an opportunity for family to get together and celebrate something! 

Jeff had to work for several hours today; he will be home around noon.  My goals are to work for awhile weeding the garden and applying diatomaceous earth to some of my plants with a flour sifter.  For garden tips, this one works very well.  I also am going to clean out the closet in my living room (again!).  Later, Jeff and I will be going to town to get Jessie's gun out of layaway and go on a wee date.  Did I mention that I love that we love to date each other?  It is highly underrated.

Jessie is still away in Alabama house sitting.  Amber and Josh don't have any big projects to do today, so it will be a mostly free day for them.  It is a beautiful day to spend outside.

I hope you all have a wonderfully blessed weekend.

Debbie,  Home at Serenity Springs

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