Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Homemade Herbal Tea Bags

This afternoon, I worked on making my homemade herbal tea bags because I had used my last one a couple of days ago.  I gathered my materials:  empty press and seal tea bags, my two herb boxes full of herbs, and clothespins to hold my tea bags closed because this set of bags hasn't sealed like they are supposed to.  But that's ok, because the clothespins worked just fine last time.  I just took it off before brewing, and if any herbs came out of the bag into my tea, I just strained them off.

Empty Tea Bags

My assortment of individual herb bags

After spooning herbs into the bags, this is the finished product.

Herbs, in general, are one of the safest things that you can use. I mix and match what herbs I put in each tea bag. I may have 3 herbs in a bag, or I may have 6 different ones. The only herb I have dropped from my tea bag repertoire is nettle, because I just don't like the taste of it in tea. Also, any herb where the root is used is not really suitable for tea bags, as you have to boil it longer to extract the medicinal properties.

These bags I made make a gallon of tea. Sometimes I add sugar, but these all have stevia, a natural herb sweetener, in them, so I won't add additional sugar.

I get my herbs and empty tea bags from two places: bulkherbstore.com and morethanalive.com

This is not hard to do, and offers a lot of health benefits over store-bought tea
bags of any kind. This time I made around 15 bags, which will make 15 gallons of herbal tea. Should last awhile....

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