Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saturday on the Homestead, May 10, 2014

I woke up Thursday morning with an interesting small bruise on the edge of my back near my ribs.  This spot became more and more painful as the day wore on, until I couldn't even sit back on it while sitting down.  At some point that day, I began to wonder what in the world was going on, and then I remembered that I had taken a dead spider off my pillow when I made my bed.  I hadn't really thought twice about it up to that point.

Turns out, I have been bitten by a brown recluse; one of the more serious spider bites you can have.  The worst thing about it so far is the unending severe pain on that side, and the fact that it is in such an awkward place that I can't get comfortable enough to go to sleep.  My family has been treating me with clays and essential oils every couple of hours.

I can't really get anything done around the house with the pain being so consuming, which is a bummer.  I hope that it heals more quickly than the stories I have read, because I have a lot to do!  And I miss taking care of my husband and family already, and it has only been 3 days.

I would appreciate your prayers for healing as we continue to treat this.  I probably won't be posting much until I feel better.

Here is a current picture of my bite.  I will update as we treat it and see changes.  (The black spots are activated charcoal, not rotting skin!)

Debbie, Home at Serenity Springs

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